I am a big fan of new elevator technology, I love seeing all the new gadgets, tools, apps, etc., and how they can make life a bit easier by streamlining a process or solving a problem, as it relates to vertical transportation. Recently I have been working with clients to solve some contract problems where they have purchased the latest and greatest Destination Dispatch control for their elevators. Just to be clear, I love this product and technology. In my former positions, I have seen firsthand how this product can solve traffic and security problems for clients and make outdated control systems operate like state-of-the-art systems.
Anything specialized typically comes with a price tag and from what I have seen by all the major OEM’s their DD products are competitive and yes, have a bit of a premium on the price. They have all developed good products that solve real problems and paying a bit more should be expected. If you read my blogs, then by now you know there will be a HOWEVER. So, however, it is important to have your eyes wide open when you entertain purchasing these products. Here are the non-negotiables you should have in the contract when buying.
- Full support of the product for 20 years
- Negotiated maintenance pricing up-front before the equipment is installed
- On-site parts inventory
- 12-month cure clause for failure to perform
- Pricing
- Maintenance frequency and duration
- Pay attention to the technician they assign to you.